So you want to know how to become a Mason?
Its easy really, first thing you have to do is decide if you meet the requirements to become a Free Mason.
The Formal Requirements are:
you must be a man of good character
you must believe in a Supreme Being
you must be minimum age required by the Grand lodge of the State you live in.
(The minimum age a member can be, set by the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma is 18 years of age)
There are other not so “Formal” requirements:
you should believe in helping others
you should believe there is more to life then pleasure and money
you should be willing to respect the opinions of others
and you should want to grow and develop as a human being to better your self and family.
If you feel that you meet the requirements then print this electronic petition (below) and fill it out to the best of your ability, then bring it by the lodge, or contact us for scheduled drop off.
If you feel unsure if you meet the requirements or you just have further questions please come by the lodge (early 6:30pm) on the 2nd or 4th Tuesday of the month (those are called our Stated Meetings) and we will be more then happy to talk with you about Free Masons. or you can contact us via the contacts page to set up a scheduled meeting with you.